Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vienna Airport 3 HRS

SO here i am in vienna. 3 hours we wait. my computer connected to the free wireless access provided by this foreign airport. 2 minutes into my browsing i hit a dead end. facebook is worthless if you have no friends to send you friend request write you posts and make cute comments on your wall. "make a blog" alex chiperly suggests as she updates hers. what a good idea! this has actually been brewing in my mind for a couple of months. so here i am. sitting against the wall watching the very attractive europeans strut on by. I would really like to get off my butt it is sore from traveling for 21 hours. but not wanting a bomb planted in our unattended luggage and rather than lug it around we decide to sit here and listen to some cake. no the birthday cake. the music band CAKE. an undentified language blairs from overhead. neon yellow signs glow. and bad airport food and kaylies music threathens to make me sick.
cred iable.

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