Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just a few notes

So first off sorry about my horrendous spelling and grammer. second off check out Alexs blog: she has more SWEET pics and videos of us watch the one of us singing and check out the hottie at the end. i couldn't download very much pictures because we had to go to Hebrew University to do so and we had to come back for cerfew.

These last couple of days have been FAN-TAS-TIC!! sunday (we have Sabbath on saturday) we went to the beach and spent the entire day basking in the sunlight and swimming in the Mediterrean Sea!!!! it was amazing-it was really really salty thou. it would get in my throat and burn and up my nose and make the snot just run out uncontrollably. I learned how to body surf, but it took alot of freakn' effort. i got totally racked by some waves while trying to learn.

Monday we went on a field trip to the battle field of David and Go-liattthhh!!! We got some slings and rocks and got to fling them around on the field. Totally cool-way up to the part when I almost hit my religion teacher with a rock, and them my Ancient studies teacher i almost nailed in the head, and there was this other girl that i almost killed with a rock too. But i was actually pretty good!!

We went to possibly the coolest thing i have ever seen on earth. there was this village that mined chalked and they would take these mining holes in the ground and turn them into an underground village. So there would be like this tiny little house and then you go in and the basement would be like this mansion!

I can't believe i have only been here for like two possibly three weeks now! We are leaving for eygpt tomorrow and its going to be RADICALLLL!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Leanna! I'm so glad you started this blog! It's awesome to hear about what you are doing! It's sounds like you're having so much fun!
