Friday, September 4, 2009

Limstone Light and Listening

The JC is an in-cred-iable building.
it is made of LIMSTONE (all buildings built in Jerusalem have to be made of limstone) the levels tier down like a staircase. the hallways in the dorms are open air and each room has a view looking into the old city. there are tons of windows big arching windows the let in beautiful LIGHT. the center is actually quit empty for its capacity and its rather peacful. These last couple days we have had to sit through and LISTEN to alot of orientation. I could actually growl and glare at people I have been inside toooooo long and you kno what i am like when i get inside tooooooooo long!!!!
There is an amazing view of the old city. wait did i already mention that?
Jerusalem is a modern city totally updated on the latest gadets cars and TVs. Though it does remind me of Thialand somewhat-renee- Crazy people drive peel in and out of traffic in these Mercedees. Small shops are crammed in windy streets.
This blog post is written for the intention that mom would read it. please someone help her find this.


  1. we are so excited to follow your adventures via blog. we will call mom and let her know how it is done if someone else hasn't.

  2. You write very poetic. Sounds beautiful!!
