Saturday, September 26, 2009

King Tuts Revenge

It is midnight in the land of the Egyptians. Peacefully i rest in my-five star sheriton bed. the shimmering moonlite on the nile finds its way into my dreams.
Tightening. Trepidation. Horror.

My eyes fly open.
King TUT has gotten revenge.
the steady rise and fall of my chest is shattered as i panick. can i make it to the W.C. (bathroom)?? I have never felt such urgency or such importance of sitting on the white alabaster throne then at that moment. Why was this happening to me? I resisted the tempation of the beautiful furit and vegetatbles spread before us at every meal. I brushed my teeth with expensive bottle water, and i faithfully use hanitizer. yet King Tut found has sought revenge out on me and gave me the runs and nausation.
I will spare you the details, but let me just say i cried and wanted my mummers to be with me to hold my hand.

Egypt is a dirty place. garbage piles are strewn everywhere and people lack the knowledge of cleaniness. the men here are aggressive. while they have a deep respect for their own women they have none for western women. the sellers are constantly in your face-basically grabbing money from your hands.

however, by ignoring these facts ancient egypt becomes a fantastic adventure. HUGE blocks, i am talkin like 2 tons blocks, are stacked to creat The great pyramid, or the pyramid of Cheops. I was a lucky one out of 200 people to get the AWESOME experience of climbing up in the pyramid into the burial chamber of the pharoh. it was surreal SIFI-ish feeling. It was a steep climb up a dimly lit tunnel. you could feel the air decrease and secretly you are cursing the guy behind you for using up all the oxygen. i was startled at the precise caftmenship of the burial chamber. the stones were perfectly aligned. the walls were so smooth. so glossy. SOO RAD!!

there were so many adventures but my all time favorite was hiking mt sinai. 2:00 am should have felt early in the morning but this was too bamf to feel anything but STOKED! these moutians are nothing like the big horns in wyoming or the ones in utah valley. these moutians are barren. massive formations located in the middle of a desert. it was a good 2.5 hour hike and it was hard-i was sweating and my legs were shaking. i had to pull out me extra toughness when we reached the 750 stairs that led to the very tip of the moutian. we made it just in time to watch the sunrise. i felt on top of the world. the morning rays broke through the morning haze on the valley bottom thousands of feet below. it was wonderous.

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